Sunday, October 23, 2011

& Try Something New

Hello Internet! (:

Today I've begun my first blog, joining the millions who already have ones of their own.  As defined from Urban, "blog" is
"a meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life.  Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" & "I slept until noon today."

So I'm sure you're wondering, "Zach, why start a blog?  Didn't you read the definition?! Why bother?"

"& Try Something New"

Believe it or not, I'm kinda scared to post a blog.  I'm a little paranoid of your opinions you form as you read this.  All too often, people sell their opinion & soul to the media; going with the flow everyone is saying.  The blog is a challenge; to be able to say my insight with confidence, no matter what people say.

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." -Anai Nin

For most people though, once you get them started on something their passionate about, they won't stop.  This is exactly how blogs have become; people have overcome their self-consciousness & spew whatever they feel like.  But I formed this blog not to rant or gloat to you, but step back from life's rewards & trials to see the underlying lesson.  Every hardship, joy, discouragement, & achievement has a moral to take away as something to remember.  Wouldn't you agree it'd be much more interesting to write about lessons learned, then complain & gloat?

Think about it:
Experience - "Homework sucks."
Real reason - "Facebook is my heroine."
Lesson to blog about - "Facebook is killing my brain cells.  I should probably do something productive"

So that's my goals (: to be courageous & entertain/educate you with my life lessons (the good, bad, & maybe embarrassing).

I hope you all enjoy my little stories & insights (:

In the words of Taylor Swift,
Stay beautiful,

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