Monday, October 31, 2011

& Stomach Your Stress

Pressure.  Strain.  Stress.

Seemingly common themes during midterms for a college student.  There's a lot of things to keep up on: homework, studying, projects, club obligations, social life, relationships, health ... the list goes on & on.
Everyone reacts to stress differently.  Some avoid it; opting for smoother sailing seas.  Some live for the constant edge & push to add a sense of thrill to their life.

I'd list myself as the latter {:

My life has always been busy & involved.  I was involved in my academics, extracurriculars, church, running, & hanging with my friends.  My typical day consisted of school, followed by my job & sports, & an average of 3 hours of homework.  This left me some brief time everyday for additional brief social or extracurricular events but little or no time to waste.  Now in college, my classes are starting to pick up speed; involving more through studying & preparation.  & I'm content with that (:

For me, stress propels me where my intrinsic motivation fails.  It keeps me on my feet & makes me feel useful.  Research as supported that moderate levels of stress helps some people preform more efficiently & can improve memory.  But just like salt, sweets, & Facebook: everything in moderation.

Learn your limits.  Don't stretch yourself too thin.  But at the same time, challenge yourself.

As for stress created from procrastination, I wouldn't endorse it.
But I must admit, having short-term memorization skills helps when cramming a communications midterm in less than an hour. (;

Stay Beautiful,

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